Malawi illuminated!

"CLTS yabweretsa mgwirizano"- CLTS has brought togetherness

Monday, May 24, 2010

first day on the job.

Today is my first day on the job. I've been meeting handfuls of people in the Mchinge district at the hospital and around the community. Jolly Ann, the long term EWB volunteer that I'm working with, has introduced me to many of her friends and it's been a great day.

For lunch, we went to Jolly's friends house and I made nsima for the first time. We got it all on tape!! You'll be seeing it in September!

The internet here is in a small shop with one cord and it is an hour away from my village. I'm not sure how well I'll be able to communicate for the first month but I'll send letters. Please email me your addresses if you'd like a letter. I've written many letters already but I have no addresses!

I'll keep in touch as much as possible.
love kate


  1. Kate!!! I am sorry that the net is so far away, but your first day sounds fantastic. I cannot wait to see your video, it should be a ball.

    thinking of you


  2. Hey Kate, I'm glad you're having a good time. Is there an address we can reach you at?


Engineers Without Borders Canada - Ingenieurs Sans Frontieres Canada
University of Guelph Chapter
Copyright 2010

The views on this blog are entirely my own and do not represent the views of EWB Canada.