I have values that sometimes don't align with my behaviour. For example, I flew to California in an airplane in the interest of saving time even though I value the environment. Lately though, I have been making more of an effort to link them. Everyday I notice dozens of opportunities urging me to do it (ex. buying fair trade coffee because you believe in ethical purchasing, or buying recycled clothes at value village because you care for the environment) but money, time and habit often get in the way. It is possible though, and I feel so much happier when I make choices that I believe in.
The reason why I'm saying this is because if you're anything like me, you want to make a world a better place. I believe that if we work on aligning our attitudes and behaviour, we don't have to leave the comfort of our hometowns to do it. We'll probably be much more effective in changing the world if we start by changing our behaviour.
I'm writing this blog in hopes that it will influence your attitude towards Africa, poverty and/or development. I'm hoping that this attitude change will impact your every day behaviour in favour of making the world a better place. If local leaders like yourself started changing their behaviour little by little, the world will transform into one without oppression and poverty.
Malawi WatSan Blogs
Engineers Without Borders Canada - Ingenieurs Sans Frontieres Canada
University of Guelph Chapter
Copyright 2010
University of Guelph Chapter
Copyright 2010
The views on this blog are entirely my own and do not represent the views of EWB Canada.