Malawi illuminated!

"CLTS yabweretsa mgwirizano"- CLTS has brought togetherness

Monday, August 2, 2010

she used to be grumpy, she did.

Edina’s brain is the HADRON collider- a winding tunnel inside her skull with grumpy protons accelerating in opposite directions. It’s July 6th. The particles collide. The lens clicks. I inspect the image and there it is.

Just as physicists have been chasing the HB’s existence, I have been working tirelessly to make Edina smile. Nothing noticeable changed in our life but I woke up one day and Edina was in a good mood. Perhaps the grumpy protons collided and a happy particle resulted. Whatever it is, she’s been happy ever since and I’m nothing short of stoked because I was getting quite tired of her Beethoven scowl.

I present to you... happy Edina!

Love kate

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Engineers Without Borders Canada - Ingenieurs Sans Frontieres Canada
University of Guelph Chapter
Copyright 2010

The views on this blog are entirely my own and do not represent the views of EWB Canada.